Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Mary’s Mystical Rose Call to Her Favorite Children.
Beloved Sons, Be Proud to Be Priests and to Wear the Sacred Robes!

Favorite children today I address you and ask you from the heart to return to the use of the clergyman, that you distinguish yourselves from my lay children. Remember that you are ministers of God and you must wear the garments proper of this ministry. The world and its pleasures are making many of you lost, the vast majority of my priests and ministers have chosen a relaxed life as men of the world and have forgotten that they are elected by the Father, with the mission to shepherd the flock of God.
Oh, how many priests and ministers of the Church are lost to me for comfort and lack of commitment to the Gospel of my Son and doctrine of the Church! A priest is a representative of God here on earth, a priest is the image of my Son, the Eternal High Priest, a priest is a spiritual being in whom God has placed complacencies. The priestly ministry is so great that God himself becomes live in the midst of his people, through the consecration made by the consecrated hands of a priest during Holy Mass.
Beloved children, the priesthood is a privilege, it is God’s greatest blessing sent into the world, it is the most dignified profession that can exist; a priest is a messenger from heaven whose mission is to lead the people of God through the way of salvation. Beloved sons, be proud to be priests and to wear the holy garments. You are the shepherds of God's people, and as shepherds, remember you are no longer of this world, God chose among many nations that ye also be: Way, Truth and Life; for the children of God and alums the darkness of this world bringing the Word of God to every corner of the earth.
Of all the professions in this world the greatest and most sublime is to be a priest. Favorite children, the people of God need you, walk with the Lord and bear witness of God to men. Wear the holy garments proudly and do not go out on the street dressed like men of the world, because these garments are not appropriate for a Minister of God. The sky weeps with me for the loss of so many of my favorites that were tainted by worldly pleasures and have forgotten the commitment they had with the Gospel of my Son.
The sins of the flesh are leading many priests and ministers of God to spiritual death. This world and its pleasures are shifting many shepherds of the Church of my Son from the path. Many no longer fulfill their priestly vows of: Obedience, Poverty and Chastity. My adversary is pulling them from the priestly life and leading them to the easy life and comfort, only to steal their soul later. The lack of priestly commitment and prayer are leading many priests to the abyss and hence, many souls are being lost by the bad example of some of my favorites.
I urgently appeal to all my preferred children who have strayed, to resume their priestly commitment as soon as possible and return to being the light and the way for the people of God. My children, pray for my beloved, spiritually adopt my priests, abandon them not, the loneliness of priestly life is causing many to stray, judge them not, for only God can. Help me with your prayers, pleas and fastings that together we can rescue my beloved ones who have strayed from the path. Mary Mystical Rose, Your Mother.