Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, March 25, 2013
Sacrament Jesus’ Call to Catholic World.
Pray So That the Vicar of My Church Can Guide My Flock in These Times of So Much Confusion and Apostasy!

My peace be with you!
Pray so that the vicar of my church can guide my flock in these times of so much confusion and apostasy! The enemies of my church, infiltrated in the Peter’s See, want to manipulate my vicar so that he reforms my church, according with them, ‘the church today should be modernized for stay abreast with the mankind changes’. Pray for this does not happen and my vicar can remain firm in the Peter’s See.
A false ecumenism would exchange the doctrine of my church and my gospel would not be more spiritual food for my flock; the arrival of false ecumenism, would set the groundwork of polytheistic church where my Holy Spirit will not dwell; my houses will stop being my dwellings for converts it in pagans gods’ dwelling.
My children, when you begin to heart that my church will open it to other religious doctrines, my flock will know, that abomination time has began and I will not be neither dwell in my own houses, I would be taken out from my own house, my temples would be looted and the silence of my Tabernacles profaned; my Body and my Divinity would roll along the ground. When this began to happen and my Holy Sacrifice be suspended, I ask you, my children that do not go to my houses, because I will not be there. Impious will seize them and will make my sacred precincts a den of thieves.
How painful is this outrage to my divinity that I will receive from some of my own relatives! As Judas they will hand over my church, which is Me, to my adversary’s hands. The new church that want to implement, would belong to my adversary; contraries religious and doctrines and pagans’ gods would occupy my houses where I dwelt and I was giving myself as a food for my people.
My name would be defiled by the new owners of my sacred precincts; relativism, pantheism, polytheism, new age with its full doctrine and the rest of doctrines of darkness, would be fundaments of the new church. My people sing plaintive song and wear mourning cloths; make prayer, fasting and penance for my loved church will be crucified, and with her, your Eternal Shepherd! I tell again pray and pray for my vicar for he would not allow such an abomination and would be stopped the course of these events. My peace I give you, my peace I leave you. Repent and convert for the kingdom of God is at hand. Your Sacrament Jesus. The Beloved which is not loved. Make my messages known to all mankind.
Clarifying note to all catholic portals
I see with strangeness how some catholic portals are putting into question the Good Shepherd’s messages and my name, saying that I am against the Pope Francis. At no time the messages of Good Shepherd have said that the pope Francis is an impostor. Why sow tares where there is not? Why make rash judgments, discrediting my name and the messages of Good Shepherd? This message of Sacrament Jesus confirms that pope Francis is His vicar and ask prayers for him. The messages must be discerned under the light of Holy Spirit and not under humans reasoning. When Sacrament Jesus, in the message of February 20, speaks that the false pope is ready to be ally with the false messiah; He is not saying that this is the pope Francis, which had not been even named, better makes reference to a false pope that will come to the church. Who is? Only God knows. (See second letter of Thessalonians, chapter 2).
When the Lord Jesus, speaks that very soon or says is at hand, it is not human time, rather it is in Divine Will that can be long or shorter time depending of his children’s prayers.
I want to clarify this for not be misjudgement the messages of the Good Shepherd and my name. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, blesses you and protects you. Your brother in Christ: Enoch