Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, January 14, 2013
Urgent Appeal from Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock.
Do Evangelism Brigades with My Word and My Messages Talking About This End Times, Because My People Are Getting Lost for Lack of Knowledge!

Peace be with you, sheep of my flock.
A new life awaits you; my awakening of consciences will transform your spirit, will clean your soul, and will prepare you for purification days. My call is close; remain awake with your lamps burning, because I will arrive at night as thief. This world of sin will disappear very soon, to give way to a new creation where peace, love, harmony and life in abundance will reign.
Children of mine, my flock, days of the great trial are approaching where you will be tested like gold in fire; only those who persevere in faith will reach the crown of life. Shepherds of home, I call you again for gather and place order in your flock, so that none of your sheep will lose, because you know well that I will ask accounts of your flock.
Shepherds of my church straighten your way; talk to my sheep about the gospel of this end times. Do not shut up more, my sheep are getting lost for your silent. Feed my sheep and guide them to the eternal flock; remember, from everyone to whom much has given, much will be required: you are bearers of My Truth, teach it to my sheep; talk in your homilies about the events that are to come; tell my people that be prepare for my next coming. Speak with courage because if you keep quiet the stones will speak for you.
Be missioners of the Good News; all whom have the grace and the knowledge of My Word, that speak about events that are about to happen, I ask you, that with love, teach it to those whom do not known it. Do evangelism brigades with my Word and my messages talking about this end times, because my people are getting lost for lack of knowledge! Days of the great tribulation are approaching, and many will be lost for they are not prepared for purification time.
Again, I say, watch and pray, for the hour is near, do a stop in your hectic lives and reconcile with God; let your haste and worldly worries that keeping you blindfolded, and do not let you reconsider. Remember: what does profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? No for a lot to rise early, earlier dawns; let your hurries and eagerness but rather worry for reach the goal, which is called salvation. I do not want to lose you, come back to Me, time is running out, more and more, do not waste it in mundane worries for all this are vanity of vanities. Wake up my people, for time of tribulation is near, tribulation as never has seen among the inhabitants of earth! The trumpets will sound again very soon announcing that the deadline has ended. My awakening of consciences will be the beginning of your purification. Repent and convert for the kingdom of God is close. Your Master, Jesus, the Good Shepherd of all times.
Make my messages known, sheep of My Flock.