Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Friday, February 25, 2011
Spiritual Armor for These Times of Purification
Consecration Prayer Given by Saint Michael the Archangel for All His Faithful and Devotees

Most Glorious and Blessed St. Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Militias, to you my beloved Archangel, I entrust the care of my body, soul and spirit; I humbly consecrate myself to you, and I consecrate to you my family and loved ones; be our protector and guardian in all our spiritual paths and battles. May we invoke your Holy Name. Who is like God (3 times) may I, my family and loved ones, be protected from all evil, from from danger, and from every incendiary dart of the evil one in our physical and spiritual integrity.
Accept, O Blessed Saint Michael, this my consecration to your celestial person, and extend it to my family and loved ones.
I ask it in the name of the Triune God. Blessing.
Through the Most Holy intercession of the Blessed and ever Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and of the Angels, Mother of humanity. Blessing.
Through the holy intercession of Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael and other luminaries who burn with you before the Throne of the Most High. Blessing.
Through the holy intercession of the Archangels and Angels. Blessing.
Through the holy intercession of the prophets and martyrs. Blessing.
By the holy intercession of all Saints and Blessed Souls. Blessing.
By the holy intercession of the Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. Blessing.
That all may be for the glory of God and the salvation of our souls. Amen.
Do this every day.
Blessed St. Michael the Archangel, be my guardian and custodian in all my spiritual paths and battles; may your holy protection accompany me day and night. Defend me from the enemy of my soul and his agents of evil. Guide me on the right path. Deliver me from offending God. At the hour of my death, take me by the hand and lead me with you to the glory of the Eternal Father. Amen.
St. Michael: Enlighten me with your light.
St. Michael: Protect me with your wings.
St. Michael: Defend me with your sword. Amen.