Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, September 27, 2010
Urgent Call to My Flock.
My Warning Will Be a Pentecost for My Prophets, Anointed Ones and Disciples of These End Times!

My people, my flock, may my peace be with you and the light of my Spirit guide you.
My warning will be a Pentecost for my prophets, anointed ones and disciples of these last times. I will manifest myself to you as I did in Jerusalem with my disciples. You are going to feel the strength of my Holy Spirit pouring into you, so that you may be strengthened in faith and be able to proclaim my Gospel to the nations.
The seven gifts of my Holy Spirit will be given to you, and all nations when they hear you, will understand my words. Each of you will have a mission that you must fulfill in my name, before the three days of darkness. You will be my emissaries who will counteract the deceptive teachings of my adversary and his disciples. You shall be light in the midst of darkness; you shall guide my flock with the strength of my truth; you shall be shepherds in the midst of wolves. Do not fear, my Mother, the Eternal Shepherdess, will guide you and show you the path you must follow to reach the gates of my Eternal Jerusalem. There I will be waiting for you; my sheepfold waits for you and my sheep; the Eternal Shepherd, the one who gives his life for his sheep awaits you; my table is served, do not delay.
My two witnesses will walk hand in hand with my Mother in those days and prophesy in my Name, destroying the heresies and deceptions of the false messiah. The heavens will be closed so that it will not rain on earth during the time of their mission. My sheep will rejoice because they will see in my two witnesses the presence of their Lord and Deliverer. No force of evil will be able to harm my messengers; the demons will flee in terror at the sound of their names; my two olive trees, together with my Mother and my disciples, will prepare and pave the way for my next coming.
Rejoice my flock, my people, for the days of your freedom are at hand! The glory of God will be with you until the consummation of time. May my peace be with you. I am your Shepherd, Jesus the Good Shepherd of all times.
Make known my messages to all nations, you sheep of my flock.