Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, June 7, 2010
Urgent Call to Mankind!
Pray and Watch with Me, for the Hour of Betrayal is at Hand!

My children, may my peace be with you and remain always. Pray and watch with me, for the hour of betrayal is near. My Church will be purified and from this purification a new church will be reborn, humble, poor, full of charity and faithful to My doctrine and My Gospel. It will be like the church of the first Christians; there will be no more tares to corrupt it, no more impurity and infidelity to pervert it. The days to come will be of crisis within my Church, there will be divisions and separations among bishops and cardinals, and all this will unleash an ecclesiastical schism; you will know the traitors, those who with their ideologies contrary to faith and doctrine, have undermined the foundations of my Church, and today like Judas, they will deliver it to the power of my adversary. Chaos will seize the entire Catholic world; millions of souls will be lost because of this scandal; the faith of many will be shaken and my Church will seem to collapse; but my Mother and my Beloved Michael, will sustain her so that the gates of hell will not prevail against her. Attacks will come from all sides and the enemies of my Church will make a great display of this news. But out of this purification shall arise a new church, firm as the rock, which shall prepare and pave with my faithful people the way for my next coming. Do not fear my children, all this must happen, all my creatures will be purified and my Church will be no exception. The forces of evil led by my adversary will profane my Sanctuary and the seat of my Peter will be occupied by the false prophet (Second Thessalonians 2, 3,4) "Where the carcass is, there the vultures will gather (Mt. 24, 28). The seal is about to be lifted (Daniel 12:9) and the third secret of Fatima is about to be revealed; the betrayal and the crisis within my Church will bring as a consequence a spiritual collapse, worse than the explosion of a nuclear bomb. Millions of souls will lose faith and worship the false Messiah, following his doctrine of deception. My heart will again be pierced by the lance of betrayal; I am overwhelmed with pain and tears of blood run down my eyes, upon seeing such ingratitude and betrayal of those who claimed to be my relatives; who swore to be loyal to the doctrine of my Church and my Gospel, and today like Judas they betray me. Heaven is sad, my Mother, my Angels, my Apostles, my Disciples, my Martyrs and other Heavenly Creatures, will cry with me when they see the ingratitude of my people here on earth. My favorite children and My Mother's children, who allowed themselves to be seduced by My adversary, who like the high priests and scribes will deliver My Church, which I am, to the fate of the wicked. Once again my words are fulfilled: "The enemies of the Son of Man are his own relatives". My children, pray for my cardinals, bishops and priests, faithful to my doctrine and my Gospel, because their Calvary is about to begin. The blood of my martyrs of these last times, will be my Blood by which I will purify my Church, so that it may once again become a flowering field and never again will the weeds grow. Prepare yourselves then, my children, for the hour of the purification of my Church is about to begin; again I say to you, pray and watch with me, so that you may not fall into temptation; for the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak (Mt. 26:41). I am your Master, Jesus of Nazareth, the Beloved, who is not Beloved.