Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Urgent Call from God the Father to humanity. Message To Enoch.

Stay in alert and vigilant with your lamps lit with prayer.


My People, My Inheritance, my Peace be with you.

Stay in alert and vigilant with your lamps lit with prayer, because my creation is already in the last pains of childbirth. Keep calm before the events that are already beginning to unravel. Do not panic when the ground starts to shake, know that everything is part of its transformation. The telluric movements are going to be each time more and more intense: When everything starts to move what you have to do is to pray and to praise the Glory of God.

The days are approaching when the ground will not stop shaking, be accustomed to live with this, because for a time while the transformation lasts, my Earth will not stop moving. Therefore be prepared, inhabitants of the Earth, materially and spiritually, so that you are able to face the days of purification of my Creation.

Store food, water and non-perishable products, because of the transformation of my Creation, there will be days of scarcity and famine on all of the Earth. During the time of purification the ground will give only bad fruits and the water, due to the commotion of the universe, will be scarce in many places and in others it will be contaminated. Therefore pay attention to Me inhabitants of the Earth and put into practice all that I am telling you, so that nothing will catch you by surprise.

Woe to the Wicked Nations, because the time of my Justice is approaching, and many (of them) I will erase from the face of the Earth, for all their wickedness and sin! There will be no memory of any of those sinful nations. I say unto you, that in the days of my Justice the Sun will turn into darkness and the Moon in blood; then you will know, inhabitants of the Earth, that my great and terrible day has come. I will Roar from Zion and I will make my Voice heard from Jerusalem; you will know that I am Yahweh, your God.

Woe to you, lukewarm and sinner, who still continue in your lukewarmness and sin, if you do not wake up before my days of Justice come and take back the path of salvation, I assure you that the pay you are going to receive will be eternal death! You do not want to listen to my Prophets of these end times, you deride my appeals and ignore them. I tell you, foolish ones, that everything I have announced you through my messengers, is about to be fulfilled. I remind you that no Word that comes out of my Mouth, returnes back to Me, without giving the fruit that I expect. Heaven and Earth will pass, but my Words will not. My Mercy is about to give way to my Justice and, woe to you evildoers, for if you do not repent, I will erase you from the face of the earth! Everything is about to be fulfilled as written.

My People, listen to my Prophets, and do not harden your heart; accept the instructions I am sending you through them, so that tomorrow you may live. Do not doubt my Words, for they are Words of Eternal Life. Remember that I am not pleased with the death of the sinner or with the suffering and the pain of my creatures; My wish is for the sinner to convert in order to reach the joy of salvation. You have been warned, inhabitants of the Earth, be prepared like the wise maidens, for I will come to you with my Justice like a thief in the night.

Your Father, Yahweh, The Lord of Creation.

Let People of mine, my messages be known in all the ends of the Earth.

Source: ➥
