Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Urgent Call of Jesus (fallen under the Cross) to the parents. Sanctuary of Jesus (Caido), Girardota (Ant) Colombia. Message To Enoch.
I am the solution to all your problems.

My Children, my Peace be with you.
I am Jesus, who raises those who fall.
My Children, the spirits of depression and of suicide are taking possession of many young people. The lack of love and of understanding in many families, the bad use of technology, the family abuse and the separation of parents, are leading many young people to take their own lives. Parents, when do you understand that what your children need are not material things, but love? Stop being providers of dead things, what your children need are: hugs, kisses, caresses, motivation, dialogue and above all love! Talk more with your children, be like friends more than parents so that you can earn their trust and in this way you can have control of them and of your families.
Many families are adrift because they have turned their backs on Me, because they have taken Me out of their homes and replaced Me with the gods of technology and other gods coming out of the hand of man. The bad example of parents is assimilated by children, as the parents are, so are the children. If the tree is bad, the fruits will be bad and bad the harvest; the bad harvest is what abounds in many families today. Parents make straight your walking and give good example to your children, so that tomorrow you can gather a good harvest! The days of my Justice are coming and many families keep on giving Me their back; I tell you, if you do not return to Me as fast as possible, I assure you that you will be lost.
Parents, correct with love not by being hard (on them), because being tough only begets fear and resentment! You are the shepherds of the family and you must be vigilant for the sound moral and spiritual education of your children. For you well know that tomorrow in eternity, I will hold you accountable for your children and families; you will suffer the pains of Purgatory or Hell, for every child that went lost because of your bad behavior and your lack of love. Therefore reconsider parents and as soon as possible, retake control of your families. Love can (achieve) everything, forgives everything; share love in abundance so that your families may be a haven of peace and the Spirit of God will dwell in them again. Be more parents than being judges and give good example to your children, so that tomorrow you will be irreproachable before Me.
I want more dialogue, prayer, love and understanding in your families, because this is the antidote to depression, which is leading so many young people to suicide. Listen then to my Words and put them into practice for you to rescue your families and the love of God will dwell again in your homes. Come as a family to visit Me in my Shrines, I am the solution to all your problems.
Your Jesus (fallen under the Cros), who rises the fallen ones.
Let my messages be known to all mankind.