Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Urgent call from Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock.

The days are coming where your faith will be put to the test.


Sheep of my flock, My peace be with you.

My little Prophet, My flock very soon will begin to walk through the desert of purification; great trials await My sheep. I tell you My sheep, that this purification is necessary so that you may inhabit tomorrow My New Creation.

Do not be afraid My flock, you will not be alone; My Mother, My Angels, many Blessed Souls, and My Two Witnesses, will be accompanying you through your desert.

The days are coming, My flock, where your faith will be put to the test. The commotion of the universe, the reign of the Antichrist, the implantation of the Microchip, the persecutions, the spiritual aridity, the shortage of food and water and the loss of all your goods, will be one of the many trials you will go through.

But in truth I say unto you, do not be afraid, If you are with Me, nothing or no one can separate you from My Love. No matter how hard the trials may be, always remain firm in faith.

My flock, during the days of trial, pray and trust in Me, remember that the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. Prayer and trust in Me will be your strength: If you want to pass the tests in our Two Hearts, you must trust. Heaven will assist and protect you, as long as you keep it in mind; because you well know, that we respect your free will. My People, do not forget the words of My Psalm 91, because they will come alive in those days of your desert.

Remember what My words say: I will send My Angels, so that they protect you in all your ways and carry you in their arms and your foot will not stumble over any stone. (Psalm 91. 11, 12) Learn this Psalm by memory, so that you may have the protection and assistance of heaven in those days of spiritual battle.

Sheep of My Flock, do not fear for your food and clothing in those days, because Heaven will send you the Manna of each day. Only have faith and confidence in Me, and everything else will be given to you in addition. Know also, My flock, that you will be tempted and put to the test by My adversary, just as he did with Me in the desert.

When the temptations come, call on My Name and say:

My Jesus, by the power of your Blood, save Me. My Jesus, I trust in You, My Jesus do not let me be lost, I hide myself in your Wounds, strengthen My faith.

Look that I am instructing you, so that nothing catches you by surprise; you will be like sheep in the midst of wolves; If you follow My teachings and put them into practice, you will come out victorious from the trials.

I remind you My flock: during the trials of faith, Heaven will be with you, if you invoke It; more in the personal purification, each one must accept it and offer it with love, for his salvation. We have already sent you the spiritual weapons to defend you from the incarnate demons and the spiritual ones, who are going to attack you in your tribulation. Make use of them, because they are powerful in the Spirit for the collapse of strongholds

Everything you need is in the Spiritual Armor, given to our Servant Enoch. There you will find the prayers and the Rosaries that you will need for the spiritual combat. Keep this manual very much in mind, so that tomorrow, in the midst of your tribulation and attacks from My adversary, you can arise victorious.

My flock, be ready and prepared for the approaching spiritual combat. Remember only the victors will obtain the crown of Life. You are My Earthly Army, and victory is yours. Trust in Me, because it is written, that victory is of God and of His Faithful People. Do not be afraid, I will be with you until the end of time.

My Peace I leave you, My peace I give you. Repent and convert, because the Kingtom of God is at hand.

Your Eternal Shepherd, Jesus of Nazareth.

Source: ➥
