Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Appeal from Maria Rosa Mystica to the People of God.
Children, the Collision of Two Asteroids Will Form the Glorious Cross of My Son. This Will Be the Great Sign That Will Announce to You the Arrival of the Warning!

Little children of my Heart, may the Peace of the Most High be with you all and my motherly protection always assist you.
My children, place yourselves in the love of this Mother and the Mercy of God, so that you can cope with the days of trial that are coming. Heaven does not want so many souls to continue being lost. I, your Mother, in the company of the Angelic Creatures and Blissful Souls, do not tire of interceding so that this humanity will return to God's Love. Little children, the trials for the People of God are about to begin. This year will mark the beginning of your purification. Humanity will witness great events in Heaven and on Earth; the signs of Heaven will increase; celestial phenomena never before seen by any eye will announce to you that you must be ready and prepared for your encounter with God in eternity.
The shaking of the universe will let you see celestial phenomena that humanity has never seen. Many are going to panic, but there is no need to be frightened; these manifestations are announcements from Heaven so that you will be spiritually prepared at the arrival of the Warning and the beginning of your trials. Little children, my Father's creation has begun its transformation, and this is going to be that your planet undergoes great changes. The Earth’s landmasses are going to begin moving with greater force on all the continents. This transformation will be one of your trials that you must accept with faith because it is part of God's plan for these end times. Do not panic when the universe begins to shake profoundly; pray and praise the Glory of God and give thanks to my Father because His Power and Greatness will create a New Heaven and a New Earth, to His delight and that of His creatures.
My children, the Heavenly Jerusalem will come down from Heaven to Earth; this process has already begun. Creation and creatures will be purified until they shine like crucibles; only in that way, will you be able to see in your midst the light of a New Dawn that will be my Son, Radiant, Triumphant, and full of Glory. Heavenly Jerusalem is on its way and with it the Glory of God. Prepare yourselves, then, little children, because creation has begun to be shaken; remain calm, because everything you are going to see and feel is part of God's plan.
Little children, the collision of two asteroids will form the Glorious Cross of my Son. This will be the great sign that will announce to you the arrival of the Warning. Run to put your accounts in order; be prepared spiritually for the arrival of this event that will change your life. Do not put down my Rosary, pray for all the sinners of this world, so that they will receive the Mercy of God and not be lost in Eternity. Pray for the peace of the world, because the coming of the scourge of war can be felt, which will be catastrophic for humanity. It is time, little children, for prayer and recollection; do not waste any more time in trivialities and ambitions of this world; think and meditate for a moment that the most important thing now is to be prepared for your encounter with God in Eternity. May the peace of my Lord remain with you. Rend your hearts, little children, because the triumphant return of my Son is drawing near.
Your Mother loves you, María Rosa Mystica
Little children of my Heart, spread my messages to all mankind.