Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Urgent call of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to His faithful People.
Keep your Spiritual Armor ready with prayer.

My children, My peace be with you.
My little Prophet, the days of the great trial are coming for My People; gather yourselves in prayer, fasting and penance, so that you can strengthen your spirit and thus and be victorious in the spiritual battles that are approaching.
My children, I say this to you, because your enemy of the soul and its armies are the forces that you would have to win. The struggle will be against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this dark world, against the spirits of evil, who dwell in the celestial spaces. (Ephesians 6. 12)
I tell you again, the fight is not with material weapons, but with spiritual ones. All those who engages in spiritual combat without the assistance of heaven, will be lost: because your enemies are not of flesh and blood, your enemies are evil entities which have command and power over this dark world. Therefore, the only way you will defeat them, will be through prayer, fasting, penance, and the help of heaven.
My children, keep your Spiritual Armor ready and oiled with prayer, put it on morning and night and reinforced It with Psalm 91. Remember that you cannot enter into battle without your Armor, because in doing so, you will be easy prey of my adversary and his hosts of evil.
Before entering the combat, ask for the protection of Our Two Hearts and say:
Hearts of Jesus and of Mary, assist us in the spiritual combat of this day; we take refuge in your Hearts; give us the power to defeat the enemy of our soul and its hosts of evil.
Invoke as well Our Beloved Michael and pray His exorcism, given to Pope Leo XIII. Pray with the Rosary of My Mother and (the Rosary) of My Precious Blood and consecrate yourselves to It, every day morning and night. The power of my Glorious Blood will keep you steady and keep you away from the spiritual demons and incarnate ones.
Ask for the assistance of the Souls of Purgatory, of your Guardian Angel and Guardian Angels; as well as the assistance of the Archangels and Angels of the Celestial Militia (Army), and of the Blessed Souls, especially those who in this world were exorcists. My Apostles must also be invoked in those days, for you to be well protected so that nothing and no one can harm you.
Keep well present in your mind my Beloved Benedict and His exorcism, Antonio of Padua and His exorcism, Ignatius of Loyola, Patrick of Ireland, with His prayer of the Breastplate, Father Pio of Pietrelcina, My John Paul II, and in general all my Beloved Ones who in this world fought against Satan and his demons. Also, do not forget the Invocation to My Holy Angels and the Prayer of the Shield of My Redemptive Blood that I sent you through My Enoch. All these ones are your help and spiritual weapons, with which you will defeat My adversary and his legions of evil.
Start then my Warriors to use them from now on, so that when those days come you are already strengthened and you can face without fear the armies of My adversary. Do not be afraid, stand firm in faith and united in love, if you comply with our instructions and put them into practice, I assure you that no force of evil can harm you.
Remember my little ones that during the Warning, you are going to be clothed with the gifts and charisma that you need to face My adversary. I say to you again, do not be afraid, put your trust in Our Two Hearts and offer your personal purification as an offering of love to My Father and I assure you that you are going to attain the Crown of Life.
My Peace I leave you, My peace I give you. Repent and convert, because the Kingdom of God is near.
Your Beloved, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Let My messages be known to all humanity, My flock.