Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Tell the world to celebrate My Feast of Mercy!
- Message No. 892 -

My child. My dear child. Please write, for it is important that Our Word be heard.
My daughter. My daughter so loved by Me. Please tell the children today to prepare themselves for My Mercy which I will pour out in abundance on those who profess Me, pray My Novena to the Divine Mercy -given to Saint Sister Faustina- consecrate themselves to Me daily anew, trust in Me, love Me and are faithful to Me.
My daughter. Tell the world to celebrate My Feast of Mercy, that is, to confess (and repent of their sins! ), celebrate My Holy Mass in honor of My Mercy, receive My Holy Eucharist and have prepared themselves through the Novena to the Divine Mercy for this so wonderful feast that pours out the fullness of My Mercy on those, who trust in Me, have followed My instructions and have prepared themselves for this feast in trust, and for those for whom they pray, for My mercy I pour out on the entire world, for the children who are faithful to Me and ask Me from the bottom of their hearts.
Through them My mercy reaches all lands and every home, for so great is their love for Me that I cannot refuse their petitions and prayers, and My mercy is poured out worldwide on this feast day.
Believe and trust and prepare, My children, for the graces that My Son will then bestow on those who prepare are great and the mercy that HE will pour out on you is immense.
Believe and trust, My children, and accept these gifts. They are so much needed in your world. Amen. I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven and Jesus, who loves you so much and His mercy is given to everyone who loves HIM, asks for it sincerely and with a pure heart. Amen.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥