Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Your rejoicing will be of short duration!
- Message No. 891 -

My child. My dear child. Please write, My daughter, for Our word must be heard. Thank you, My child.
Today, please tell Our children that the only way to the Kingdom of Heaven is MY SON, and that if they do not convert now, they will be lost, because the Antichrist will enter your world stage and cause the greatest confusion ever among you earth children! Many of Our so beloved children will "idolize" him, but that is the same as worshipping the devil!
Be warned, My beloved children, for he who is coming is sent by the Evil One for the enslavement of all of you, for slaves to him you will be if you fall for him, follow him, worship him, for he is sent by the Devil for your ruin, and never again will your soul be free, if you follow him, for he will lead you to the hellfires, together and skillfully planned with the false prophet, who is already doing so much mischief, and whom you -most of you-believe and cheer, but, My beloved children, your cheering will be short-lived!
Confess Jesus, and "escape" this now "last trap" of the devil, which can be so disastrous for your soul, if you are not vigilant and do not consolidate yourselves in Jesus! You will be lost if you do not confess My Son!
So wait no longer and give your YES to Jesus, because only with HIM you have a chance, but without HIM your soul will be unfree, enslaved and lost.
Wait no longer, for Jesus awaits you, and a child who finds to HIM, HE will save.
So turn around and confess, My children. Jesus is your way, your only way to the Father and to the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen. So be it.
In motherly love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥