Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, December 27, 2014
The ones who "lie to you about the sky" are the ones you "lift to the sky"!
- Message No. 794 -

My child. Please tell the children of the earth today the following: You are going astray, My children, and running into the devil's arms, but you do not realize it. You must confess Jesus, because ONLY HE is the way to glory. Only with HIM you will live eternally. Only HE can and will redeem you, if you confess HIM, give HIM your YES unrestrictedly and set out to follow HIM!
My children. Your soul will suffer if you wait longer. So turn back and give your YES to Jesus! He will come again to conquer, and He will take everyone with Him into His New Kingdom who follows Him, is faithful and devoted to Him. What are you waiting for?
Evil is already taking place EVERYWHERE around you, and still you negate what is happening! You talk "everything beautiful" and have an explanation for everything, ONLY because you do not want to change!
Everything is supposed to stay "the same", children, what are you naive and blinded! Break out of your so comfortable attitude, because the evil also comes to you, and only he who is with Jesus will be saved, because he who is with Jesus WILL NOT LOSE!
So confess and look the truth in the face: the evil one is carrying out his plans, but you would rather accept them than change anything about yourselves or your lifestyle!
My children. If you do not awaken and confess Jesus, you will soon sink into sorrow and perish.
Be warned, because those who "lie to you about heaven" are the ones you "lift up to heaven"!
Be warned of the sweet words, for they come from the mouths of those who lead you straight to the fires of hell. They will stop at nothing, and they do not love you, so be warned, for those who flatter you, pretend, and superficially want your "best" are the ones who will deliver you to the devil.
So be warned, and get ready for your Jesus! My Son is waiting for each one of you. So give HIM your YES and begin to live completely with HIM. So you will not be lost and Jesus will take you with Him at the end of the 3 dark days.
"Hold on, My beloved remnant army. I love you. Your Jesus."
My children. Run to My Son and become one with HIM! Join His remnant army in prayer and begin to fill your hearts with His love. Then you will be able to pray even for your enemies and be strong for the end. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥