Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, December 26, 2014
In glory and honor!
- Message No. 793 -

My child. My dear child. There you are, My beloved daughter. Please tell the children of earth today the following: "I, your Holy Jesus, was born for the redemption of your sins. I AM your way to the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever honors Me, praises the Father and gives thanks to Us, whoever gives himself completely to Me, gives his unreserved YES to Me, I will lift him up and his soul will have eternal life in glory and honor."
My children. Find to My Son, your Jesus, and give yourselves and your lives completely AND IN ALL AREAS to HIM! Whoever finds to Jesus will not be lost, because the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven will be opened to him.
But whoever remains in this world, in commercialism, pleasure and vice, death will reach him with its dark sides. He will perish most agonizingly, and his eternal life in the inheritance of the Lord will be withheld from him, because he has not confessed Jesus, has remained astray and has preferred the enjoyment of the earthly - of transience - to eternity in glory. So now the consequences of his "stubbornness" befall him, and the happiness, love, peace and joy of Eternal Life in perfect fulfillment will not be granted to him.
So confess in time, while there is still time, and give your YES to Jesus. Your YES is the first step to Jesus and into a wonderfully glorious eternity.
Wait no longer, for the time of preparation is drawing to a close. Give yourselves completely to your Savior and begin to live your life as God desires.
With deep love and attachment, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥