Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Get on the boat of eternal life!
- Message No. 746 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please write, My daughter, and say the following to the children of the earth today: If you do not begin to center your lives completely on My Son, your Holy Jesus, then the times that are coming will become harder and harder for you, and WITHOUT TRUST IN MY SON, you will hardly be able to endure! You MUST give your life to HIM, so that HE can take care of you!
So many souls are on the precipice, and there will be no salvation for them unless they convert and continue to pretend that My Son does not exist! You MUST find Jesus, or your soul will be lost to the devil!
Still others believe in My Son, but DO NOT TRUST IN HIM! This is a grave offense against HIM! You do not trust HIM, live your life according to YOUR will and are caught and fogged -fixed in the world of the devil(!)- that you will perish, if you do not really and wholeheartedly confess HIM!
My Son is Divine! HE IS Triune God! So confess to HIM completely, and do not insult HIM further, because your behavior is not worthy at all. It is disrespectful and WITHOUT faith, because if you say you believe in HIM, then you MUST trust in HIM completely and live according to HIS will and HIS teachings!
So turn back now, you lukewarm souls, because not much time remains to you! Get on the boat of Eternal Life and let Jesus be your helmsman! He will bring you home through storm and waves, and you will enter the harbor of the New Kingdom safe and happy.
Give your lives to Him, the Almighty Son of the Father, and enter the port of Eternal Life. Do not wait any longer, because once the ship sails, you will have a hard time. You will sink in the storm of the times, and you will be dragged down to the bottom of the sea. The demons of the devil will devour you while you watch the ship arrive safely and happily in the harbor of eternity with all the faithful souls. You will realize that you should have jumped on that ship, but you did not. You will feel the peace and Divine joy of Jesus and the souls faithful to Him, and your horror will be terrible when you realize what you missed. The demons will take you to hell, and your suffering and agony of soul will last forever, because you did not trust in Jesus, but wanted to live according to your will.
My children. Do not forge your eternity in the devil's kingdom of hell, but jump on the ship that Jesus is sailing! He will bring all faithful children safely to the Father, but whoever does not trust in Him will be lost.
My children. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, hope very much that you will understand My figurative language well today. No child do We want to see lost, so wake up and do not let the ship sail without you!
Run, My children, run all to Jesus, for HE is waiting for you full of joy! Amen.
I love you, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥