Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, November 10, 2014
The one who is coming is not the Son of God!
- Message No. 745 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children the following: The light that illuminates your earth will dim, for your sun will change, and this, My beloved children, is one of the greatest signs the Father is "giving" you to realize where you are (end times) and how evil is spreading over you and your only salvation is Jesus, HIS Holy Son, WHO -and this is already being prepared and initiated- by the evil one to all your confusion and aberration and consequent damnation -for this is what this "confusion game" is all about, which will end in your damnation- who is thus "copied", "staged" and "pretended" by the evil one to come into this world as Messiah and dwell among you, but, My beloved children, keep your eyes and ears and your hearts open, for: He who is coming is not the Son of God! He is not Jesus! He is not Messiah! He is Son of Evil, the Antichrist, but he will not pretend to be such, but the Son of the Almighty Father, and that, My beloved children, will be your damnation if you follow him, listen to him and fall for this -warned by Heaven for years- "trick"!
My children. Read the signs as they are and put one and one together: You are at the end of times, and the Newly Created Jerusalem will come upon you, as We keep telling you. Therefore, convert and learn to discern: My Son, Jesus Christ, will not dwell among you! He will come to redeem you, but He will not "walk" on the earth!
The end is near, and when it ends in the three dark days, you must keep your windows and doors closed! You must fall on your knees before the Lord and pray, pray, pray.
Tell the children that at the end of the three dark days Jesus and the angelic hosts will have triumphed over Satan and his demons, and that they must not leave their homes at any time, nor open doors and windows. Voices of dear and well-known people will knock and plead, but these are the demons of evil, and you must not open to them, for that would be your downfall.
ALL children who are recorded in the Book of Life WILL BE SAVED! So do not fear for your loved ones, for if they are chosen, pure and worthy, then they too are safe. Do not leave your homes before the end of these dark days, for it would mean your "death to the devil." So follow Our call and remain faithful to Jesus so that you may be saved and lifted up.
My children. What will happen at the end of the 3 dark days will be explained to you. Now it is of utmost importance to prepare yourselves and be completely faithful and devoted to My Son. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥