Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, September 27, 2014
If you hold on to Jesus, you will make it!
- Message No. 699 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and listen to what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say today to the children of the earth: You must accept the light of My Son and not allow it to go out!
Without His light you will be lost, so carry it within you and let it shine and do not let the evil one cover you with mists and veils! His machinations are evil, so keep away from him who wants nothing good for you!
Only suffering and misery and cruelty he holds in store, so don't fall for his lies and don't be beguiled by his charms! The evil escalates, the confusion game becomes bigger and bigger, and soon you will have only "snares" spread. With all tricks the evil one tries to catch you -whether you want it or not he doesn't give up until the last day has come for him.
So do not fall into his snares and think carefully about what you do! Be completely with My Son and ask the Holy Spirit, HE may give you clarity! Without the help of "heaven" you are lost, but WE are there for you, help you, guide you and lead you, but you must ask Us, so that WE may do that.
My children. The last time will now be very difficult. Pray, My children, and persevere! If you hold on to Jesus, follow His teachings and live according to the Father's commandments, you will make it!
Be completely with My Son and always ask for help and guidance! Seek out your Holy Masses and pray, pray, pray! Your prayer keeps evil away! And your prayer converts! So pray, My children, and never stop praying. Especially in the nights We call you, please follow Our call, because your prayer is so much needed.
I thank you, My beloved children, and I bless you from My heart. Come all to My Son and hold together as a remnant army!
With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥