Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, September 26, 2014
The now is but a short time, so use it wisely and wisely!
- Message No. 698 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Write, My daughter, and today please tell Our children the following: You will "pass away" and nothing of you will remain on this earth, for this dimension in which you now live will also pass away, and the only thing that will remain is you, but "transfigured."
Therefore, My children, it is so important that you do not create earthly riches, but open yourselves to the gifts, the glory and the riches of God, your Lord, your Creator, your Father who loves you so much, because only His riches remain, only in His glory will you become happy, and only His gifts last forever!
My children. The here and now is only the preparation for what is coming, what God the Father has prepared for you! You cannot imagine this beauty, this glory, this "richness", BECAUSE HE IS NOT OF THIS WORLD! It is not fleeting, and it endures forever, but you must open and confess and follow Jesus, His Only Begotten, Crucified and Ascended Son, in order to share in this wealth, this glory, and these wonderful gifts of the Lord the Father!
Turn back, My children, and find the way into the glory of the Lord, which lasts forever! Do not leave "smoke and ashes" in this world, but enter into the eternity of the Father, which lasts forever! Earthly things are transient, but your soul never dies. It is created for eternity, and in eternity it will live.
Therefore, repent and confess Jesus, the only way into the glory of the Lord! Live according to the commandments of the Father and keep His word! Then you will enter into the eternity of the Father and not be lost to His adversary.
Remember that eternity is long, therefore decide well which way you will go: Earthly glitter and appearance and pleasure will never lead you to Him Who created you out of purest love, but into the abyss of the devil, who deludes, deceives and deceives you.
The now is only a short time, so use it wisely and prudently! Do not give away your eternity at the Lord's side for money, power and recognition, for all these do not count in the sight of God, but a pure, humble heart living in peace and love with others does.
Do not think of your advantage, for this is also a temptation of the devil, but always think (also) of your neighbor. Love him, share with him, but do not let yourselves be taken advantage of.
Pray for your loved ones and for your enemies, for before God you are all equal. And every sinner who finds his way to Jesus gladdens the heart of the Father and of all who are in heaven.
Be good, My children, and do not be deceived! Always think: What would Jesus do now - and ask the Holy Spirit for clarity in EVERY SITUATION. In this way you will not follow evil, but be faithful to Jesus, and if you do miss, repent and repent. Use Holy Confession if you can.
My children. Find Jesus, be faithful to HIM and go the way to the Father, because only in this way will your soul return home and experience the love it needs to be happy. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥