Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
It will pierce your soul and you will not be able to change anything about your condition!
- Message No. 606 -

My child. My dear child. Tell Our children today that We love them and receive with great joy and open arms each one who converts to Jesus, to welcome him and to gift him with Our love.
My children. Jesus is your only way. So wait no longer and give your YES to HIM, your Savior who loves you so much and suffers for you!
My children. The time you have left is short, and every child who has not found Jesus will not be able to enter the New Kingdom. He will watch in agony and horror as the gates remain closed to him and the pull of the devil's damnation approaches him and sucks him in and then down.
Do not let this happen! Do not block your own way into the glory of the Lord! Do not let the devil catch you, he only brings sorrow and distress and anguish, and your horror will be great and agonizing. It will pierce your soul, and you will not be able to change anything about your condition -your whereabouts-.
My children. Come into Jesus' arms and become one with your King! He loves you with all His Divine Being and wants only the best for you: your salvation, which will be given to you as soon as you begin to live with Him, and which will be "multiplied" as soon as your life on earth reaches the end.
My children. Your soul will only find happiness and peace and fulfillment in the Kingdom of the Lord. So come to HIM, confess to HIM, consecrate yourselves to HIM and become one with HIM. Then your soul will find peace and your life here as in eternity will be worth living. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Only in the kingdom of the Lord is fulfillment given to you. The Adversary, however, has only torment and suffering in store for you. So save yourselves in the holy arms of your Jesus, because only HE will give you what your soul longs for. Amen. So be it.
An angel from the 7 choirs. Amen."
Source: ➥