Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Turn back so that you can share in this glorious time!
- Message No. 605 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell Our children the following today: Your repentance means everything to you, for if you repent and take the true path to the Lord, you will be gifted with what you most long for, and that is not to be found on the outside, but only with Jesus, My Son, and His and your Almighty Father.
My children. Set out on the way to Jesus and begin to experience this so glorious love and joy that only Heaven can give! Prepare yourselves for this wonderful event of being allowed to live again united with the Father! Only those who are ready and pure will see the Father, so start your conversion now and do not wait any longer, because very soon it will be too late for you.
My children. The most beautiful of all the rewards of your life on earth is what comes after, because the Lord has created eternity for you in pure love and joy! His glory is greater, more beautiful and overwhelming than anything you can imagine in pomp and splendor and noble stuff! His glory is glorious and with nothing on your earth describable or comparable!
My children. Soon My Son will come to you. Then you will get another chance. Take it and don't waste any more time. Only the one who has prepared for this event will experience it in joy with My Son. So listen to My word and convert, My children, for rich will be your gifts that the Father has in store for you.
I love you, and I look forward to the peaceful time in My Son's New Kingdom with you who profess My Son.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
--- "Everything is ready. Return so that you may share in this glorious time. Amen. Your Jesus with the Holy Angels of the Father. Amen."
Source: ➥