Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Believe and trust and stay strong in these difficult times!
- Message No. 348 -

My child. My dear child. My son is taking care of you. Be sure of this. Even if things do not progress as you wish, My Son will always be by your side and so will all the Heavenly Helpers you already have with you.
My child. Times are hard, but do not grieve. God the Father has a plan for each one of you, also for you as a family, and so now live in trust that everything is as it should be, because in order for the Lord's plan to be fulfilled, the will of the individual must be completely at His service, that is, it is not you who decides, but God the Father, and this is very difficult for you to understand, very difficult for many of Our children to accept and very difficult to accept in trust, because trust is lacking for so many of you, and also your faith sometimes stands on a very shaky rock.
My children. Trust in God, your Father, and Jesus, His Son, your brother, because you know what you are doing! And they love you, My so beloved children! Therefore, trust in You and give yourselves completely to You, because You care for you, You comfort you, You strengthen you, You guide you. They do everything for you, so that your soul finds the way home, because They love you with all Their Divine love.
My children. Believe and trust and stay strong in these difficult times, because Jesus is with you and guides you through this now last time. Then HE takes you to the New, wonderful Glory, His Kingdom, where each one of you will be gifted with peace and love.
I love you, My beloved children, and I do not want to see a single child lost. Therefore, all of you come to Us, and give Jesus your YES, so that your soul can also live the eternal, so wonderful divine peace, and your heart can live the love so longed for. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
Source: ➥