Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, November 18, 2013
Love is able to do everything!
- Message No. 346 -

My child. My dear child. Do not be sad. So much injustice, so much hatred, envy and suffering arising from it, the suffering caused by egoism, ego-thinking and -society, the suffering that overflows your earth and you like a burning, unstoppable fire because of your apostasy, can only be stopped if you turn back and find the way to My Son!
The love in your hearts is the only thing that is able to stop this conflagration, this tidal wave of evil, and the more children this unique love, put into you by God, Our Father, so that you are eternally connected with HIM and can find and start the way to HIM at any time, this love will manage to lead you back to the Father and to put an end to this conflagration.
Love is able to do everything, if it is the true, pure love of the Lord, and only the one who confesses the Father, gives his YES to Jesus and uses his free will for good, will diminish and defeat evil, because My Son stands by HIM, helps him, makes him strong and fills him with this divine love, which gives him all this and leads him back into the arms of the Lord, Our Father.
My children. Much suffering is still needed to convert lost souls. Therefore, the acceptance of suffering and sacrifice is very important for soul conversion and salvation. Only a converted soul gets admission into the Kingdom of Heaven. Only the one who gives his YES to Jesus will be taken to His New Kingdom.
My child. My daughter. Tell this to Our children, for so many do not know. So many do not believe. So many persist in sorrow and suffering. So many lose themselves in temptations of the devil.
My children. Wake up and convert! Find your way back to Jesus, My Son who loves you so much, because HE will give you heaven on earth, and with HIM your soul will be happy! He is the way to the Father, back home to your Creator of all!
What are you waiting for? Prepare yourselves for this wonderful time, because your soul will experience peace and will be gifted with the glories of the Lord!
Come, My children, come, for nothing is more beautiful, nothing more fulfilling than a life with God the Father and Us, your Heavenly Helpers. Say YES to My Son, and a wonderful transformation will be given to you.
So be it. I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
Trust, My children, for he who trusts in My Son will be fulfilled. Amen.
Source: ➥