Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, October 7, 2013
The only truth is in Me!
- Message No. 296 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning, My child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, tell you and all Our children today, that you must pray to save your earth from decay, for the Satan worshippers are holding terrible, dark and scary masses designed to bring about the destruction of all that is good, summoning demons from the underworld (your vision!, My child) and who are designed to bring discord and strife into your world and into your hearts, which will be easy for them with the "extinction of My Son", your Jesus, because if you "lose" HIM, your Jesus, what will be left for you, who will lead you, and how will life, your life, be worth living then?
My children. My beloved children. You must pray and stop against these masses! You must continue to celebrate the Holy Masses of My Son and offer them up in His intentions! Thus they have a double, strong and powerful effect against evil, and your earth will be preserved from total apostasy.
My Son will come and the Heavenly Army of the Father will be ready for you, My beloved children, and Lucifer will not be able to carry out his evil plans, because you, My beloved children, stand against it, with your fidelity to My Son, with your prayers, with your Mass attendance and by following My call, the call of your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much.
I thank you, My beloved children, and I am with you and your loved ones forever.
Believe and trust and persevere, for My Son stands ready for you. Amen.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"The times are now overturning. Evil will flare up everywhere. Pray, My children, that you may be preserved and remain faithful to Me, your Jesus.
I love you.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"Soon My Son will come to you, My beloved children, bringing salvation and blessing to those who are faithful to HIM.
My Holy Hand will then strike those who refuse to be good, and an unprecedented purification will come upon your earth.
Believe and trust. The signs, My signs, will be clear, but many will continue to close their minds to the truth. Let it be said to them that not much time remains and whoever does not set out now, trust Our Word and live according to it, it will not go well for him. His soul will be lost to the adversary, and much suffering will come upon him.
Only your YES to My Son will grant you eternity in paradise! Only the one who walks with HIM, is faithful to HIM and believes in US, will have the gates opened to the so wonderful New Kingdom of My Son.
My children. Set out on the path of goodness and renounce sin and sorcery. Be gifted with My miracles, but stay away from homemade magic and other hocus-pocus, for it is the devil's stuff.
The only truth is in Me, in My Son and the Holy Spirit, so run to Us and remain faithful to Us and do not get lost in the labyrinth of the devil, who lures you with esotericism, magic, fortune-telling, with magic, witchcraft and other practices, all of which serve to lead you astray from the path to Me, your loving Father in Heaven, and bring you into the illusory world of the beast.
Remain faithful to Me, your Father in Heaven who loves you so much, and give your YES to My Son. Then all the "garbage" will be taken from you and My miracles on you will begin.
I love you from the depths of My Sacred Father's Heart.
Your Father in heaven. Creator of all being.
"The Lord has spoken. So follow His holy word. I, the Angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
My child. Make this known. I love you. Your mother in heaven.
Source: ➥