Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Prepare your children.
- Message No. 295 -

- Holy Communion - My child. My dear child. Glad you came, because it's time to take on daily life again, commit it in joy and with love in your heart. My child. My dear child. Your son is now being prepared for Me, his Jesus, as are many other children of believing parents, who allow their children to receive Communion. Unfortunately, not all parents are so good to their children and do not raise them in faith and without Us. This is sad, a pity and damaging for the children, because they will have a very hard time to even access Us, because as a parent you are a role model, you MUST be a role model for the smallest ones, because what would your world be if everyone only did what they liked? A terrible place, dominated by selfishness and self-love. My dear parents. To all those who prepare your children for Me, your Jesus and theirs, be thanked with this, My word, for you open your children's hearts to Me, and you grant Me influence in their lives. Thank you. I love you. Your Jesus. Savior of all God's children. "Amen, I say this to you: whoever does not prepare his child, whoever does not tell him about Us and lets him grow up without Us, sins against the one he loves the most, and he sins against Me, his Jesus and God the Father, the Most High, therefore, listen to Our Word and live according to it, and do not close the way to the Kingdom of Heaven for your children.
The glories of the Father belong to them too, therefore prepare them and baptize them and give them Holy Communion, then they too will find Me and their souls will be saved. Amen.
I love you.
Your Jesus.
Savior of the world."
Source: ➥