Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 23, 2013
The time will now come when satanic symbols will be stamped on holy objects!
- Message No. 283 -

My child. My daughter. Now you are back again. Yes, My child. The bad times are now dawning, Jesus shall be taken away from you, but you who love Him will continue to carry HIM in your heart. Heaven will be open to you and united We will help you. Ask Us and it will be so.
My child. Tell all Our children that no one, no matter how evil he is, can take Jesus away from Our believing and faithful children. The Son of the Lord, Our Father, lives in your hearts and so it will always be! Nevertheless, gather your holy objects, books, candles, reports and magazines, your holy statues, pictures, crosses and what have you, because now the time will come when everything shall (and will!) be desecrated and satanic symbols will be stamped on holy objects.
Few will even notice this, yet it will be so. Also, there are far too many "men of God" in your churches who will get carried away with the outrages of the beast and bless you and your devotional objects not with the Christian divine blessing, but (twisted!) with the satanic one!
Children, you must be on your guard, because the satanic blessing can cause harm. It can bring you sickness and strife, so watch out for what is about to happen in your Holy Masses!
Ask the Father for clarity and purity and that HE may save you from such "blessings" that are not. These are bad times that are dawning, but whoever carries Jesus in his heart will be protected. His soul will be saved, no matter what the "other" is up to.
Therefore, My children, remain faithful to your Lord and Savior, for HE will come to redeem you!
HE will free you from the slavery of the beast, and HE will still give you joy, happiness and cheerfulness even in the greatest evil!
Remain faithful to HIM, the only true Lord and God! Give and repeat your YES to Jesus, and pray your rosaries, which Our Lady taught you. I love you.
Your Saint Bonaventure.
My child. Make both messages known. I love you. Your Saint Bonaventure. Amen.
"Even in the darkest of days I will be with him who loves Me fervently.
My light will shine in his heart, and joy and love will flood him.
All suffering that might befall him I will bear for him, for so great is My love and My gratitude to those who love Me sincerely. Amen.
Your Jesus."
Source: ➥