Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 23, 2013
Jesus will be "removed"!
- Message No. 282 -

-Gather your holy objects and bring them to safety!- Saint Bonaventure very sad: My child. I look at your world and see how much injustice is now being done to Our Most Holy Jesus from the ranks of His Holy Church as HE, the Most Holy of all the Sons of the Lord, the only true Son of the Father, became man for you, My beloved children, and suffered for you, My dear children, in order to redeem you from the suffering of sin and to grant Eternal Life with your Father in Heaven, how now HE, from "His own ranks", where the beast, the evil serpent, has crept in, is to be expelled and all His teachings are to be nullified.
My children. You must not allow this to happen! Existing values cannot be adapted to modernity, because they are values that last ETERNALLY, and it is these values that make you live as children of the Lord, in peace, in equality and in love with each other.
They are values that cannot be "adapted", on the contrary, you must refer to them and realize that if they are not compatible with your modern times, you are moving too far away!
So you must go back and live according to these values, according to the teachings of the Lord, because they are the only true values and teachings you have, in order to live peacefully and happily together as children of God on your earth and in eternity.
My children. My dear children. Wake up! It is too cruel what will happen now from the upper echelons of the Catholic Church, because they will change everything that has any true value at all, given by God, Our Lord.
Jesus will "disappear" from your churches and your lives. HE, the Holy Son of the Lord, present in every Holy Eucharist(celebration), will be "removed"!
You must pray that this condition will not last long, because without your Jesus you are not able to find back to the Father. Pray that the Lord may intervene and that this misery, the Holy Mass celebration, where homage is paid to the beast(!), may not last long.
You, My so beloved priests, do not fall for the lies of your head, to whom you have vowed obedience, because this obedience will now, with the beginning of the desecration of Our Holy Mother in the10. This year, and your obligation is fidelity to the Lord, and so you must now realize the truth and soon, very soon, celebrate your Holy Masses in secret with your faithful children, because in your churches the beast will enter, and the Masses that will now be given to you will be for the sole purpose of "honoring" him who is the archenemy of God, Lucifer, the fallen angel. This one will be worshipped there, hidden and camouflaged behind the facade of the Holy Mass, but whoever listens carefully, whoever looks carefully, will realize that the "new Masses" are not holy at all, but serve only the worship of the beast and thus the "dishonor" of Our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
My children. Wake up! The Holy Body of Our Lord on earth will be desecrated until nothing holy remains. Our Holy Mother Mary, ever Virgin and God-bearer, beginning in the coming month
Oh, how We suffer in Heaven that these evil deeds are done to Our beloved Mother and to Jesus, Our Lord and Savior! The Father's wrath is great, and sadly HE looks down upon His children.
Therefore, My dear children, stay awake and do not also dishonor Our Holy Family! Remain faithful and celebrate your Holy Masses in secret with your faithful priests who withstand this desecration and defy evil! Create premises and prepare Hosts and Holy Objects, i.e. bring to safety what is to be taken from you, such as your Holy Books, which will ALL be altered, this includes the Holy Missals(! ), your Bibles, your hymnals - everything they will take from you and under the guise of innovation, harmonization, reform and equality, change everything to their evil intentions, namely the expulsion of Our Lord from His Holy Church and the worship of the Beast in your then no longer Holy Masses!
Watch out and be on your guard! Already you have crosses WITHOUT the Holy Lord on them. You replace Him with symbols from esoteric, pagan and satanic cults, and nothing holy will remain to you like that.
Therefore, gather your Jesus crosses, your holy rosaries, your holy statues and images, because all of them will desecrate them with satanic symbols so that you will not notice it, even the blessing of these priests will be satanic(!), but many do not notice it, because it is very similar to the Christ blessing, the Divine.
So watch out! For it is already happening! He who has eyes and ears, let him look and let him see and let him put 1 and 1 together! Stay alert and remain faithful to Jesus! Pray your holy rosaries and ask for Our help. Only in this way will you mitigate the worst of all evils!
And be warned against the bringers of peace of your days, because all is only appearance! Listen to these messages and live according to them. Only in this way will you be able to prepare yourselves and survive the worst unscathed.
Believe and trust, because everything is already threaded and the worst of days will soon begin. Believe, My children, and pray and ask, and you will be helped. Amen.
Your loving Bonaventure.
My child. I am so sad about what is happening to your Jesus now. Pray, My daughter and always carry HIM in your heart. I love you. Amen.
Gather your holy objects and bring them to safety.
Source: ➥