Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Only prayer is your weapon, only this you should use in this battle for souls!
- Message No. 190 -

My child. My dear child. Come and sit with Me. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to tell you this today: Your world is beautiful, but you are ruining it. Our children are being lied to all over the world so that the "elite" can spread their power over you, My beloved children, to the point of absolute control over each one of you.
This is an evil game of the dark side, and there is no one among you who can really put a stop to it, because man is too weak, too small and helpless to be able to face these evil machinations as an individual.
Those of you who have tried have been eliminated by assassination or by "being abdicated", those of you who continue to try are threatened and live in fear for their own lives or -much worse- that of their loved ones.
My children. Wake up! Your only chance is God the Father! Join Jesus, My beloved Son, and come together, because united you are strong! United you are great! United you are mighty! And with Jesus among you, with HIM by your side, you will fight and defeat evil, for you as His remnant army will gloriously enter the new world, but you must remain strong and courageous - until that day - and pray diligently for all God's children, for every child of God who finds his way back to His Creator is one less link in the chain of the devil and his band of helpers. Make yourselves aware of this!
Every soul that finds its way to Jesus makes you grow as a remnant army and equally weakens the army of the dark side. Fight, My children, fight. Your prayer is your strongest weapon! Use it whenever you can, and follow the call of Heaven at all times. Then, My beloved children, your world will become more beautiful again, the devil's plans will be thwarted, his followers weakened, and the implementation of many of his outrages prevented.
Pray, then, My children. Prayer is the greatest and strongest weapon in this battle for souls and for the destruction of evil. So be it.
I love you from the depths of My Most Sacred Mother's Heart.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
Amen, I say this to you: Whoever fights for good in My name, I will save him.
Whoever gives Me his allegiance, I will envelop him with My Holy Love. Whoever prays in My intentions, heaven will open to him already on earth, and whoever walks with Me, following Me, will reap the glories of My Father.
So come all to Me, to your Holy Jesus, and united we will fight this last of all battles.
We will bring light to the earth and destroy evil.
Never forget how powerful prayer is. Only prayer is your weapon, only this shall you use in this battle for souls.
With prayer you achieve everything, therefore pray much and fervently.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Thank you, My daughter.
Source: ➥