Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, July 1, 2013
He who does not have happiness in his heart is easy prey for the evil one.
- Message No. 189 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming and answering My call.
It is important that you be happy. Whoever does not have happiness in his heart is easy prey for the evil one, because the latter takes advantage of the lack of joy in your heart and tries to fill this "empty space" with hatred, envy and other evil feelings, causing you to become easily aggressive and to have sinful thoughts, which may even lead to sinful deeds.
Whose heart is full of happiness and joy of life has no place for these feelings "provoked" by the devil and thus does not become such easy prey for the evil one.
So live the joy! Be happy and enjoy! Fill your hearts with joy and love and live the divine happiness on earth. Then, My dear children, the adversary has a very hard time with you, because he has no open door to use to enter your hearts.
Little children, always remain in joy with Us, and as soon as something is "disturbing", goes "wrong" or "distresses" you, offer it up to God the Father, and give Jesus your YES to it as well. So you do not have to carry it alone, and your heart remains in love, in love for Us. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Amen, I say this to you: He who is pure in heart will find his way to Me.
He who lives happiness and joy, the adversary will find it difficult to seduce him.
Whoever gives his love to Me, I too will always love him, and since I am by his side, the devil must give way.
Give Me your YES, and great will be the joy in your hearts.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Thank you, My child. Spread this. It is important for Our children to know.
Source: ➥