Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Your world has reached a state of wickedness and immorality that is hard to "top".
- Message No. 187 -

My child. My flower. Bad times are coming. You need not worry, for Heaven is united with you and yours, but there are many people who suffer and many souls who are "trained" by the help of devil worshippers to burn in Hell forever.
My child. Your world has reached a state of wickedness and immorality that can hardly be "topped" -to put it in your language. What is happening on your earth today, the lies, the intrigues, the immorality and fornication, is unprecedented to this extent.
The devil is playing an evil game with you and many of your fellow brothers and sisters are falling for him, because they have turned away from God and see only the "earth life" with no prospect of an eternal "after".
Shame, shame, shame, because they virtually put themselves on the devil's platter, present themselves to him, and since they hope for a beautiful life (beautiful = wealth, recognition, power and respect), they become Satan's puppets, but they don't realize it.
You must find back to your creator and align your life to HIM! Do not attach your faith to any institution, but find the way to Jesus and God the Father. Live with Mary, the ever pure Virgin, and your saints, for in this way you will live your life in joy and your values will change.
You learn what is really important for your everlasting and never perishable soul, learn to respond to its needs and prepare it for eternity. This is the only important thing, because everything else God gives you, as long as you entrust yourself to HIM, honor HIM and live with HIM.
You have to find back to your "roots" and they are not anchored in a country, but in God the Father, your Creator, Himself. Find the way to HIM, and you will become happy human children. Live with HIM already in the here and now, and make Jesus your best friend, because with HIM the way to the Kingdom of Heaven opens for you, with HIM you will experience the love that never fades away, an unimaginable love and joy that exists only in Heaven, and that Jesus brings to you, here on earth.
Believe and trust, My dear children. Then you will escape the devil and receive the glories of heaven from God, Our Lord.
So be it.
Your Saint Bonaventure.
Note.: Excerpt from a book that Mary puts on the web in advance for the preparation of the Divine Hearts because of the timeliness.
Source: ➥