Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, June 28, 2013
All this is allowed so that you may freely choose God the Father!
- Message No. 186 -

My child. My dear child. Your time of glory will come, and then you will see how much your effort has paid off for you and all the souls that will be saved with this mission.
My children. Do not deceive yourselves! Time is short and many of you continue to "sleep". This is dangerous, because your soul must be prepared. Whoever does not change and start the way to My Son, your Jesus, will be lost!
The dangers in your world are great, greater than you think, and behind every corner, on every path of matter and in every earthly pleasure, the devil is lying in wait for you. He is stalking you, and if you continue to close your hearts to your Creator, God Most High, continue to live in sin and shame, he will catch your souls and push them into the abyss, hell.
Be warned! Begin the path of repentance! It is not too late, but time is pressing more and more. God the Father sees the suffering of your earth, the distress, the wounds that His children bear. He knows about the sorrow in your hearts, and He sees how the adversary tries to spread his power.
All this is allowed so that you freely decide for God the Father! Run to HIM! Give your YES to Jesus! Because then the tide will turn for the good for you and the devil will be deprived of the power over your soul.
God the Father will save everyone who confesses Him of his own free will, but He will never interfere with your free will, because this is a gift for you from Him. In His great almighty love, He created you in His image, but many of you have turned your backs on Him and gone your own ways.
Thus you have prepared for yourselves the misery of this world. He who wants to judge himself does wrong to others and violates the free will of others; he who strives for power opposes the divine will and thus purposefully falls into the trap of the devil, for his heart is polluted with ego and pride, and this will bring him down.
My children. The way to glory is so simple! Finding your way to My Son is easy! To live with Us, Heaven, already on earth, is one of the most wonderful things that can happen to you. It is a gift to humanity from God the Father, your Creator, because He longs for you to be well, for you, His beloved children, to be happy, to be good, to come back to Him!
So set out for your Creator, who awaits you so eagerly and will never violate your free will.
Set out! Give your YES to Jesus, and life will become wonderful for you.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥