Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, June 21, 2013
There will be no turning back for all those who realize in the Fall what is happening to them right now.
- Message No. 179 -

My child. My dear child. The time is approaching. Many more souls must be reached so that they can turn to My Son and HE can save them, because on the day of great joy when HE, the Most Holy of all the Sons of God (note. : All of us are children of God, His daughters and His sons, some are saints of us children of God, but only Jesus is the Most Holy of His sons, because only HE comes directly from God the Father), comes down to you from heaven on high, shows Himself with all the signs that will appear in heaven, then, My beloved children, you must have made up your minds, because the battle of decision begins, Satan and his demons will be defeated and all, who have not given their YES to My Holy Son, your Savior Jesus, he, the devil, will drag with him into the mire of damnation, the fires of hell, and there will be no turning back for all those who realize in the fall, what is happening to them, no hope for a life in the promised paradise in peace, because whoever goes the way to hell, whoever the devil drags into his "world of darkness and ever-burning fire", will be lost forever.
My children, wake up and walk the path of good! Do not be deceived by the lies of the evil one, because hypocrisy, empty promises, twisting of the facts and transformation of evil into good, i.e. the acceptance of evil as good, comes from him, the liar of the lie barons, the charmer of the charmers, the flatterer of the flatterers, the evil one of the evil one, whom you unfortunately recognize as such much too late -if at all.
Go the way to God the Father and give your YES to Jesus! Then, My so beloved children, He can protect you from evil. His Holy Army will come to your aid, and His Holy Spirit will enlighten you and make you know the truth. You will be given Divine clarity, and the veils of fog that Satan puts around you will be lifted and disappear, so that you will finally see the truth.
Then, My beloved children, you will run into the arms of God the Father and never again fall into evil.
So be it.
Your ever-loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥