Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Your souls will weep when they realize which path they have chosen!
- Message No. 178 -

My child. My dear child. If people do not convert to My Son, much suffering will still "overtake" the earth, and your souls will weep when they realize which way they have chosen, because only the way to God, will bring them salvation, only with My Son, they will attain eternal peace.
My child. Tell the world that time is pressing. Your time on this earth will soon be over, and only the one who has turned to My Son, follows HIM, and gives HIM his life, his being, HE will be able to take him to His New Kingdom, where love and peace and joy and bliss await every soul.
The fruits of paradise will be reaped only by you, His beloved, faithful followers, because the one who does not want to know about My Son, the one who denies the existence of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, all the gates will remain closed to him.
The one who does not give his YES to Jesus, the way to the abyss will be revealed to him, and he will have to go it, without hope, without salvation and without redemption, because he has rejected My Son, through unbelief, through straying, through homage to the beast.
Great are the variants that lead you to perdition, only one variant exists to find to God Father. So be good and follow My Son. Then, My beloved children, the joy of your soul will be great when it recognizes the light of heaven and starts on the way to the New Paradise, with Jesus by its side.
Come, dear children, come, for the gates of Heaven, of the New Paradise will be open to everyone who gives his consent to Jesus. Give HIM your YES and do not lie to yourselves, because your unbelief is a lie that makes your soul suffer sorrow.
Believe and trust, because then everything will be good for you, too. This I promise you.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not trust Me, whoever does not listen to the word of My Father, whoever does not understand the signs of the times, and whoever continues to deny Me, he will experience sorrow and sadness, for the gates of heaven will be closed to him.
He will be banished to hell, for his unbelief, his violation of Me, your Savior, will bring him nothing but damnation.
The devil will carry him away, and the hope of an Eternal Life in peace in My Father's Kingdom will perish with him.
For whoever chooses the way of evil, whoever does not want to know anything about Me and does not obey My Father's Holy Word, will remain excluded when the New World comes into being on the day of the merging of heaven and earth.
Then you, who have closed yourselves off from Me, will have to go the only other way that will be presented to you then, and it will be a torment for you that will never end.
Therefore, all of you come to Me, to your Jesus, because then I will take you to the New Paradise, where your soul will find rest and peace and where happiness, joy and love are at home.
Give Me your YES and all will be well for you and your loved ones if you pray for them.
I love you.
Your Jesus.
Thank you, My child, My daughter."
"My child. Tell all Our children that We love them and eagerly await them.
Your Mother in Heaven who loves you Thank you, My child."
Source: ➥