Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, April 26, 2013
Become like children again and throw everything out of your life that is not from God!
- Message No. 115 -

My child. My dear child. So much in your world has crept in from the evil one - machinations designed to make God's children suffer and even destroy them. If only they, the followers of evil, knew how much they are harming themselves, they would immediately repent and make amends for any harm they have ever done to another, and more than that, humble themselves before their brothers and sisters as the tax collector did in the Bible, in order to stand again as worthy in the sight of God.
My children. All the suffering that each one of you experiences, he should offer up and give to God the Father, Our Father. Then his suffering will be alleviated, because God, the Most High, "transforms" it, and it can flow back as love to the one who offered it to Him, God the Father, before.
In difficult situations for you, call upon Jesus. Give Him everything that you cannot "carry" yourself. He will take the "burden of everyday life" from you. More and more you will come closer to HIM, more and more you will learn to let HIM, your Jesus, participate in your life, and the more you open yourself to HIM, include HIM in your life, really give HIM a firm place in your heart, at your side, the more intimate your relationship, your connection to HIM will become, and the more you will feel His Divine support: The love, the joy, the bliss in your life that only HE is able to give you, and the care for you, for each one who opens himself to HIM and shares his life with HIM, that will give you everything you need to live on your earth.
My dear children. Make room for Jesus and God the Father in your life, and I promise you that no matter what the evil one plans and carries out with his groups against God's children, it will not harm your joy of life. Whoever lives with My Son can accept everything with joy. Whoever is sad, HE comforts him, and his soul and heart are filled with love and joy. To whom "burdens" are imposed, HE will carry them.
My beloved children. If you only knew how beautiful, fascinating and perfect a life with Jesus is, you would leave everything to follow HIM, to be with HIM. But you don't need that at all, because JESUS COMES TO YOU!
My children, My beloved children. Start and let Jesus come into your life. Clean up yourselves and give Jesus a place in your heart and at your side. You will see, feel how positively your lives are changing, and you will experience a joy that many of you last possessed as infants.
Become like children again! That is, throw everything out of your life, out of your hearts, that does not come from God! In this way, you too will experience again the Divine glories in your hearts that only God the Father and His Son can give you. But you have to make room in yourselves, because many of you have accumulated so much anger, disappointment, stagnation and often even hatred and envy, that there is no more room for the gifts of God.
Do you realize now, My beloved children, how important it is to always remain in love? Do you see how important it is to be pure of heart? So throw overboard everything that can only come from evil and befriend God the Father and His Son. They will fill your hearts and fill them with love and peace. You will become aware of the Divine Joy again, and your whole life will change completely for the good.
You will become strong against all evil, and it will be repelled from you, because whoever lives with God the Father and His Son, all the Holy Servants will stand by him, and the Holy Archangel Michael will always keep his shield before you, and no demon will get power over you anymore!
My children. What are you waiting for? Just as everything in your houses is being spruced up for spring until everything shines, so you must do the same with your hearts! Clear out and create splendor in yourselves and invite Heaven to you! Then, My dear children, God the Most High and Jesus, your Savior, will take their place in your hearts, and a wonderful love will take hold that will completely change YOU and YOUR ENVIRONMENT in a positive way.
So be it, My children.
I love you very much.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My daughter.
Source: ➥