Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, April 25, 2013
What HE started 2000 years ago will now reach its glorious conclusion
- Message No. 114 -

My child. My dear child. Keep spreading Our messages. They are so important and reach so many souls. My Son works His miracles in those who read them and in those to whom they are passed on. Every soul you bring to HIM will be touched by HIM. And every soul that puts its trust in HIM will be saved. More than that, it will experience a wonderful change and the present life on earth as a wonderful gift. The troubles, the mundanities will change and she will be freed more and more from these crushing burdens that currently dominate your world.
My children. It is so important that you ALL find your way to My Son. Only the one who confesses HIM can be taken through the gates of the New Jerusalem. So open your hearts and make room for Jesus, My Son, and give His Word and His true story to those who do not know HIM. Pray for those who close their hearts to HIM. In this way, they too will get the chance they need to open up to Him, your Savior.
Never believe the evil enemy who will put nothing but seductions and worthless distractions in your way. He is not interested in you. His battle is with God and his weapon is the illusory world that attracts and seduces so many of God's children. Only to harm God the Father he wants to steal your souls, for no other reason. Therefore, wake up, My beloved children, because the evil one will never take care of you. Once fallen into his trap, he will do everything to make sure that you never reach the path to God again, make you dependent, confuse you and ultimately make you suffer only, because he knows that this is the worst of all torments for God, your Father, to see you suffer.
My children! Recognize the lies of Satan and his followers and turn to Jesus, your Savior! Only HE can free you from this darkness, only HE will be the one who will take you to the New Paradise! Only with HIM you will attain the eternal life in perfection!
What HE started 2000 years ago, will now find its glorious conclusion. Confess to HIM, to your Redeemer, then not one of His children will be lost. Get involved in this wonderful adventure that gives you Divine love and all His
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My daughter.
Source: ➥