Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Open your hearts
- Message No. 16 -

My child, My dear child. It is I, your Mother in Heaven. I have come again to tell you something. All that We have communicated to you is to be made public. It is time for people to know that We are with them. So many do not believe in Us because they do not hear Us, because they do not see Us. You, My child, are witness to Our existence and Our presence here on earth. We are always with you. You must begin to believe this. There are so many witnesses of Our appearances, yet most of mankind here on earth closes their eyes to Us. Why do you do this, My dear children? Wake up and believe in Us. We want to help you!
My dear children, when you read this, open your hearts wide. Don't let your mind close your hearts. Open your hearts and listen to it. When you start doing that, you will feel the love that We communicate to you in Our messages. Do not be afraid, My dear children. Whoever opens himself to Us will be saved.
I love you all, your Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child, for taking this time for Me.
Go in peace.
Source: ➥