Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Give Me your YES!
- Message No. 15 -

Jesus awaits Me My child, write, it is I, your Jesus. I am very happy that you are responding to Our call. By spreading your messages, Our Word, much good can be done in your world. Many souls will now find their way to Me. Your messages, Our Word, will convert many souls. It will become clear to many, as it became clear to you, that you can change everything with prayer.
People, situations and much more can be changed positively through fervent and devoted prayer. You, My daughter, are consciously experiencing this. Many others will be like you. You will find that light ignites everywhere where it was still dark. Whether in yourselves, through sadness and depression or in oppressive life circumstances. Where light enters, joy enters, from this joy you take new courage to live, and when you have learned to hand over everything to Me, your Jesus, then nothing, I promise NOTHING will turn you away from the path to Me and Divine Love.
Give Me your YES, as well as you, My daughter, have done, and great graces I grant you! I promise this to each and every soul that confesses Me, its Savior. I love you, My children. Make yourselves ready for Me.
Your Jesus Our Lady: My daughter, make this known.
Source: ➥