Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sunday, July 17, 2022;
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with this Gospel of Martha and Mary. Martha was welcoming Me and she was worried about acts of hospitality in providing water to wash My feet and food for the meal. Mary loved Me so much, and she gave her full attention to My words. Mary chose the better part because she wanted to be close to Me. I really want My faithful people to be like each of Martha and Mary. Let Me be the focus, or the center of your life. When you wake up in the morning, you greet Me in prayer and consecrate everything you will do up for Me. You thank Me for each day of your life, and you carry on both your physical and spiritual duties. You need to set aside some time for your daily rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet. Those people, who are close to Me, will start their day with Mass in the morning. You do your work in the yard, or at your job in a factory. You take care of your family in your children and your spouse, if you are married. My son, you have been asked to do a little more with your nightly Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. By doing everything for Me, your daily chores are like little prayers that please Me. Keep living your life around Me, so I am very familiar with who you are. So when you die and come to heaven, I will welcome you as part of My family. Those people, who do not make Me a part of their lives, will come to their judgment, and I will say that I do not know them, and they will be sent to hell for not loving Me and not repenting of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how I came to Martha and Mary’s house to stay overnight. I was preaching: ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand.’ It is the more important thing that you listen to My words of eternal life for your soul. This is the better part that Mary chose to be attentive to, and it will not be taken away from her. In the first reading Abraham greeted three strangers who were really angels. He provided them food from his own animal and he gave them drink. Then one of the strangers said to Abraham: ‘When I will return, your wife Sarah will bear a son.’ Even though Abraham and Sarah were childless and beyond childbearing age, Abraham believed that God could do the impossible. Sarah did conceive and had a son called Isaac.”
Source: ➥