Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more funerals than today’s Baptism because fewer young people are coming to your churches. Other Baptisms occur, but not always at a Mass, and some do not baptize their children. Some churches have an older population which again is why you are seeing many funerals of your friends. In the vision you are seeing My empty tomb, and I have conquered death and sin so everyone has an opportunity to convert their lives and be saved. The readings speak again about the bread and wine which are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood by My priests at Mass. When the people came looking for Me after I multiplied the bread and fish, I told them that I am the Bread of life. Truly those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. Later on, some of My disciples left Me because they thought I was encouraging cannibalism, but I was speaking to them of My spiritual food under the appearances of bread and wine. By receiving Me worthily in Holy Communion, I am with you, and you have the graces of My sacrament. Rejoice in the gift of My Eucharist at Communion time, and visiting Me in My tabernacle.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just heard a recent news item of gunmen shooting church members in a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Again some were killed and others wounded. This event comes right after another shooting in Aurora, Colorado. Many of your authorities are having a hard time in determining the reason for these sudden killings. The one killer was mocking the Joker in a Batman movie, and this latest event occurred in a religious temple. Such killings are led by Satan, but there also could be another agenda led by the one world people in causing fear, and now you are seeing a threat to religious groups. If this pattern continues with more such incidents, then you will see this a part of an overall plan. Pray that these shootings do not continue.”
Source: ➥