Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been patiently waiting for My return, and an end to the evil going on around you. Many events need to take place first before My victory will begin. Before the one world people are allowed to take over, you will see My Warning where all souls will be illuminated by their life review, as you see when you die. This will be a blessing for all souls so they have one last opportunity to convert their lives and be saved. You will be warned not to take a chip in the body and not to worship the Antichrist. After the Warning you will see some major disasters that will lead up to martial law, and then America’s takeover with the formation of the North American Union. You will be warned to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Then you will see all the world unions joined as one under the Antichrist once he declares himself. This will start the tribulation time that will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Once you see this man come, you will know that My victory is not far off. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement when the evil ones will be defeated and cast into hell. After the Three Days of Darkness, I will renew the earth and My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace. Rejoice when you see this curtain open in the vision because then these events of the end days will begin.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been given a choice by your free will to choose to follow My ways or man’s ways. My ways lead to life in heaven, but man’s ways lead to being lost in hell. You are in a constant battle between the forces for good and the forces for evil. If you follow My ways, you will worship Me on Sunday and repent of your sins as you show your love for Me. If you follow man’s ways, you will love only yourself, and refuse to repent of your sins. Those, who are with Me, are against abortion and same sex marriage. Abortion is killing My babies, and yet your court decision allows violating My Fifth Commandment of thou shalt not kill. I created man and woman to be married and become one flesh. Same sex marriage is a defiance of true marriage, and it is an abomination, as well as homosexual acts are abominations. This defiance of My moral laws is part of a plan by the one world people to destroy your society. You are battling for the minds of your children as some of your teaching curriculums and teachers are tearing down the moral fiber of your country. It is your following Me that has made America great. When you remove Me from your schools, and promote promiscuous behavior in your children by allowing pornography to infect their minds as well as improper sexual education by handing out condoms, then your country will fall. Wake up and realize that the battle for souls is tied to your battle of good and evil. If you refuse to stand up and fight this evil in your society, then you will see evil triumph. You know that I will be victorious in the end, so have no fear if evil will be winning for a brief time. I will protect your souls if you call on Me and My angels to help you.”
Source: ➥