Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, when My Blessed Mother was found pregnant by the Holy Spirit, St. Joseph was in a quandary what to do. The angel in a dream explained how My Blessed Mother became pregnant, and St. Joseph was asked to take her into his house as his wife. For St. Joseph the parentage of Me was always a stumbling block, but he accepted his role as step father, and was satisfied to carry out God’s plan in protecting My Blessed Mother from any scandal. My Blessed Mother for her part had to risk any danger of being found pregnant and unmarried when she accepted the Word of St. Gabriel. My earthly conception by the Holy Spirit is another example of the Blessed Trinity’s Presence. Wherever I am present, you also have My Father and the Holy Spirit present as well because We are inseparable. This is true also when you receive Me in Holy Communion in that all three of Us are present in your heart and soul at the same time. Honor Our Presence in everyone because you are all temples of the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are concerned with global warming that some think is being caused by burning fossil fuels. Most of your power production is being provided by burning such fuels. Only nuclear plants, wind, and solar power do not burn fossil fuels, but these sources are a small percentage of the overall power production. In addition to air pollution, your fresh water pollution is another area that man needs to clean up for good health. Fresh water is limited and an increasing population is putting more strains on your food and water needed to survive. As you hear more countries trying to curb their energy usage, the whole environment needs to be looked at as a big picture. This should not be just a redistribution of wealth, but a sincere effort by all nations to limit their air and water pollution. The earth has finite limits of resources, and limits to how much pollution can be reversed. Without an equal effort by all nations, then a fair amount of cost would be hard to manage. Work to make the earth cleaner for future generations to inherit.”
Source: ➥