Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, some people pride themselves in being able to trace their family genealogy back a few hundred years. In today’s Gospel you read of St. Matthew’s account (Matt. 1:1-7) that dated back to Abraham for My ancestry. This account listed the parentageforwardfrom Abraham to St. Joseph. In St. Luke’s account (Luke 3:23-38) the ancestry starts with Me and records the parents goingbackwardsall the way back to Adam. The importance of this lineage is to emphasize that salvation history was planned by God and not inspired by man. My true human father is the Holy Spirit who was the Spouse of My Blessed Mother. My Blessed Mother’s lineage also goes back to King David which is why both Joseph and Mary had to register in Bethlehem. This genealogy also explains that I was born as a man to save the Lost Sheep of Israel, but I also came to save all of mankind, even the Gentiles. This is another sign also of how mankind should be thankful for Me in being your Savior, and also for all of creation including life itself. Rejoice that you are all a part of My salvation history.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the struggle between the prey and the predator in the animal world. There is also a spiritual world where your souls are the prey and the evil demons are the predators searching for the ruin of souls. I am the Good Shepherd and I protect My sheep from the wolves of the demons. You are no match for the evil angels, but I have given you guardian angels to watch over you. Seek My protection in prayer, My sacraments, and your blessed sacramentals.”
Jesus said: “My people, many young children want to go to Santa Claus to ask for some gifts, but sometimes they are questioned if their behavior deserves some gifts. My faithful come to Me in Adoration seeking to have their prayers and petitions heard. In My talking to your heart, I am asking you to also change your behavior so I can direct you to a life without sin. It is difficult to avoid sin completely, but I give you Confession so you can ask My forgiveness.”
Jesus said: “My people, My angels are always joyous in singing My praises and trumpeting My Word among mankind. At Mass My faithful are also joyous in singing songs to Me and hearing My Word in the Scriptures. See that Mass and My sacraments are a preview of what is to come when you are in heaven with My angels and saints. Having Me in your heart at Holy Communion time is your closest taste of heaven on earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, you concern yourself with what to buy for people, when you all have most of what you need already. Be sure to set aside some money for the poor who are in much more need for anything that you could give them. The poor are less demanding for any desired gift. Also the Wise Men brought Me gifts worthy of My Kingship, even though I was just an infant. If you know what kind of gifts to give your children in your weak nature, imagine how great My gifts are for you when you are all My children.”
Jesus said: “My people, your children and their spouses have to go where the jobs are in order to meet their needs to make a living. Since you have such a mobile society, it is not uncommon that families are spread apart by great distances. Holy days are a great tradition to be drawn together to share some time with each other. At times such travel can be difficult with snow and ice during the winter. Be joyful when you can share each other’s company. Even the shepherds and the Wise Men also made a sacrifice in travel so they could see their newborn King. Life is short and you never know when you may see someone for their last Christmas.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you again to start praying your Novena for your intentions. One intention is the success of your February Betania Conference. Remember that whatever you pray for in the sincerity of your heart, I will hear your prayer and answer it for whatever is best for your soul. Saving souls after all, should be one of your greatest desires to bring souls to Me in love. I am the little King, like the Infant of Prague, and you can pray to Me as an infant or as an adult, and I will hear everyone’s prayers. Honor this tradition of prayer to celebrate My feast of Christmas.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are always in a joy filled spirit around Christmas, but there still are people suffering without jobs, or having trouble surviving your recession. After Christmas you have feast days of martyrs and the Holy Innocents indicating that there will always be suffering going on even during the Christmas Season. Pray to stop abortion, and pray for those who are in financial hard times and having trouble to provide food and shelter for their families. Donations to your local food shelves would be appropriate in this season of sharing gifts.”
Source: ➥