Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 8, 2006
Message of Saint Joseph

(Report-Marcos) Later, at the time announced, St. Joseph came with Mary Most Holy. St. Joseph, dressed in white and with a blue-gray cloak, having Mary Most Holy beside him, dressed in a blue-gray tunic and white cloak, greeted me and said to me:
St. Joseph
"-Marcos, my love, I, Joseph, come to tell you once again: great are the designs of the Most High upon you! You have been entrusted with the great revelation of devotion to My Heart, which is the final part of the threefold revelation of devotion to Our Three Hearts United in love, pain and glory, which began with Margaret Maria Alacoque, continued with Louis Grignion de Montfort, with the Apparitions of Fatima, to Josefa Menendez, Berta Petit, Consolata Betrone, and now, finally, after Montichiari and Bonate, with these Apparitions of Jacareí, where We shed the most intense light in human history on this devotion to Our Hearts, this true devotion to Us will reach its full height. You were elected, Marcos, to be the revealer of the true devotion to Me, to My Heart, to the whole world, and to enlighten and resurrect the devotion to the Heart of Jesus and Mary. You are in this unfathomable plan of the Most High and for this you were destined from the beginning of the world. My Heart loved you and elected you, and you answered 'yes', making it fully possible for our plan of love to be realized. So, go ahead! My Most Loving Heart is with you and with everyone who is for you and is with you. This place, from the origin of the world chosen for this dignity, will be the place where Our Three United Hearts will emanate the mystical light that will transform the whole world and make it sing the hymn of perfect and perennial fidelity to the Holy Trinity. Our Hearts, in the same supernatural frenzy and movement, will miraculously overthrow the wicked thrones of this world and lift the thrones of Our Hearts in place. At the propitious moment this will happen and Satan will see himself with nothing; Our Hearts will shine intensely and Satan will be blind and alone, for many who are now under his dominion will be converted by seeing Our Mystical Light. Devotion to My Heart is a terror to Satan, since it is destined to take many souls from him and bring them back to the Lord. My Heart will triumph! Forward! Pray! Pray! Teach this devotion to everyone! Pray! To all, and to you in a special way, My son, I bless you today with all My love. Peace!"
(Report-Marcos) "Then they spoke to me in private, blessed me, and disappeared.