Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, November 6, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, I went in a certain Church for Holy Mass. Arriving there, there was a gentleman who sanitized the hands of the faithful with alcohol. During the moment of communion, when everyone was preparing to receive Jesus in their hands, this man, more than ever, started spraying alcohol on everyone's hands without stopping for a single moment. It was then that I heard the voice of Jesus who said to me,
My son, my Body is Sacrosanct. Don't I deserve a little respect? How my Heart suffers. See what they do. I am the Living Bread come down from heaven, outraged and offended by so many in these times. They are not aware that I am God and that for every act of outrage and irreverence committed against me, my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity they will be blamed and judged. It is all a Satanic action that has caused many to bow down to evil and accept it without regard to my honor, glory and majesty. Pray and make amends for many who offend Me.
I have begun to offer Jesus reparation, asking for forgiveness, for all those who are following the norms and orders of the world rather than obeying His Laws and commands. Cruel times. Not communion in hand. Let us not offend the Lord. I made spiritual communion at that moment and felt Jesus' presence in me so strong that I praised him and thanked him for such great love dispensed.