Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, November 2, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

In the early morning hours today, at 1:30 am, I heard the voice of Jesus who said this prayer:
Lord, may my acting and speaking with creatures be for your glory alone. May my human will disappear and your divine will be manifested.
How good, kind, and patient Jesus is toward creatures. He gives us so many proofs of His love and creatures despise Him because they are blinded by the devil. Many souls are attached more to the world than to God. They place their support in the world rather than in God's hands. They seek the false human and worldly happinesses than the immense love of God that can give us the true peace and joy of the spirit.
I believe Lord and pray for those who no longer believe and serve you, deceived by Satan, the illusions of the world and its passions.
I pray Lord, for those who do not pray and do not call upon you.
I worship you, for those who no longer worship you with their hearts pure and contrite, nor their souls enlightened and cleansed.
I love you, for those who no longer love you and who disown your Divine love and your Most Holy Will.
May your Divine Will, which sanctifies everything, liberates and destroys every evil from the face of the earth, reign sovereignly in the Holy Church, throughout the world, in your created works, and may your immense and holy love for your sons and daughters shine forth.
Jesus, I love you. Jesus, I adore you. Jesus, I want you to dwell within my heart.
(Prayer taught by Jesus to Edson Glauber, on 02/11/2020, Manaus-AM)