Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, April 19, 2019
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, today is the day that in many parts of the world the Church celebrates the memory of my sorrowful Passion and death on the Cross, when I offered myself to the Eternal Father for the redemption of the human race.
I did everything out of love, and with the love of which my Heart was full, I poured out my most precious blood so that the human race might be freed and washed of its crimes. I granted those who would believe in me, in my words and in my divine sacrifice, the grace to also overcome the devil, sin and eternal death.
At that time, many thought they had silenced me forever. They thought so, because they did not believe my words, due to the blindness of their souls and the pride of their hearts, consequence of their innumerable sins and their unworthy lives.
Today, my son, it is no different. Once again they want to silence my love and my voice, so that my sheep, who are thirsty, hurting and without strength, will not be healed or restored.
O ungrateful, unbelieving, hardhearted people! Rebellious people! Who only think of satisfying their own passions and worldly desires, rather than save and bring to my light the wounded sheep, almost without life.
Many, my son, want to make me disappear from the midst of my people. They teach so many souls more wrong than right, more lies than truth, and thus, like a deadly poison, they contaminate the souls, making them lose faith, hope and charity, making them without light and without life, more deserving of hell than of eternal life.
On this Good Friday, I am suffering and agonizing with my Church, which is going through the great storm that has been unleashed against faith and eternal truths. She is going through the dark valley, staggering down the painful path that leads to her final martyrdom. Offer yourself, my son, for my Church, wounded to its very foundations, because of the infidelities and sins of my many Ministers, who have become whitewashed sepulchers. Woe to those ungrateful, unfaithful and rebellious Ministers who are no longer the salt that gives flavor nor the light that enlightens souls.
Woe to those ministers who have destroyed my flock with their errors, scandals and impurities. The axe is already laid to the root of the trees. The Angels of heaven are already in place, waiting at my command. Those who do not produce good fruit will be cut down, and the branches that are not united to me, the True Vine, will be burned.
Pray, pray my son, and make them pray, as I have already told you, for God is angry and greatly offended, because of the inhabitants of the earth.
The fire of My Justice will soon descend from heaven and will eliminate a large part of humanity. The living will envy the dead, they will desire to die when the great day of the Lord will have come upon the earth. Behold, I am coming like a thief, and from my wrath no one will escape. Be prepared, for the days go by quickly and the time is short. I bless you!