Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, I feel the suffering and sadness of the Heart of Jesus, despised and outraged by ungrateful humanity. I feel, in parts, a pain and a heaviness that bitter my soul. Later, Jesus spoke to my Heart:
Men no longer worship me. They have forgotten me and my love. My agony in Gethsemane was terrible, deep and painful. I felt alone and abandoned, without having anyone to watch an hour with me. My apostles were drunk with sleep and let themselves be overcome.
Today, how many are drunk in the deep sleep of sin and worldly passions, asleep to the divine grace that could save them.
These days, I spend hours and more hours of agony, alone and abandoned in the many tabernacles, in so many churches all over the world, with no soul coming to adore me.
Sometimes, those who come to Church and place themselves in adoration before me, are present only with their bodies, but the hearts of many of them are stuck in the world, far away from me and from my divine love.
I look for souls who truly love and adore me, who long for my love, who desire to immolate themselves, abandoning themselves at my feet for the salvation of the world. I am looking for souls who desire to be mine, who want to do my divine will and want to remain in it forever, as well as within my Sacred Heart.
I am choosing and preparing the souls who will burn and be consumed with love, before my Throne, who will let themselves be formed by my will and modeled by my hands, so that they become perfect images of me.
Fight for the kingdom of heaven. Nothing compares to the glory of Heaven. Let my words of love warm and sanctify souls. These words of mine will touch many hearts and perform great miracles of love and conversion.
Remain always in my love, so that you may be mine completely. Purify yourself from your sins and recognize your nothingness before me. I bless you and all of humanity!
Glory be to you, Lord Jesus! Blessed be Your Most Holy Name for ever and ever. Amen!