Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace be with you!
My children, do not be overcome by the world and its deceptions. God is the Truth and the Eternal Life. Whoever is united to God has all good and all grace. Ask for the light of the Holy Spirit, so that you will have the strength to remain always on the path of truth, on the Lord's holy path.
Great confusion is gripping many of my children who no longer know how to distinguish truth from error, because they do not pray and do not open their hearts to God as they should.
The devil is seducing many souls with the riches, the power and the pleasures of the world and so these souls lead so many others away from the path of the Lord, to follow the lies and illusions of the world that lead to the fire of hell.
Pray, pray, pray the holy rosary every day with more faith and love to overcome every evil. Always have your rosary with you and with it save souls for heaven, praying it every day so that many of your brothers will be converted.
My children, the devil is acting fiercely against my priest sons. You, sons that I love so much, pray and sacrifice for the priests. Dedicate part of your prayers for them, who so much need intercessors that night and day beg for them, before the Heart of my Divine Son, to be faithful to the mission and vocation that God has given them.
I thank them for being here to listen and live my calls, but I tell them: dedicate yourselves more and more and be obedient to what I tell you. Do not break my Heart with your sins and do not sadden my Son Jesus.
I love you and desire your conversion and eternal salvation. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Lord showed me a vision: I saw Jesus sitting on a Throne and before Him was a large vineyard with sturdy trees and many others dry and dead that were useless. These trees represented every person on earth. Jesus gave an order to the Angels who immediately went everywhere to uproot the worthless trees to throw them into a great hole filled with fire and these trees were burned there.
This is how it will be at the end of time, on Judgment Day for every soul who rejected God's grace and served no purpose on earth, who did not go to Church, who did not live the Word of God, who did not welcome the calls that our Holy Mother made in many places, despising and ridiculing her tears, her messages and her maternal help. God does not like His Most Holy Mother to be despised and outraged.