Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children!
My children, do not fear! I your Mother am here to welcome you in my immaculate and protective mantle.
God loves you and has sent me from heaven to tell you that he wishes to reign in your homes with his peace and his love, but for this he asks you to live prayer daily, opening your hearts to his grace.
Turn away from sin and enter into the spirit of prayer. Families of God pray, pray, pray so that you can endure and overcome the trials of life. Prayer is the sustenance in your walk of faith: don't stop praying. Follow the path that I am indicating to you and you will walk safely towards the Heart of my Son Jesus.
Do not forget to pray for the conversion of the unbelievers and those whose hearts are hard as stone. Many are far from God and I ask you to help them to come closer to my Son Jesus, through your prayers offered with love, so that the Lord may grant them the necessary graces of conversion and holiness.
Thank you for your presence here this evening. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Holy Mother is also asking us to pray for the conversion of the unbelievers. Many, after seeing so many signs, after feeling the touch of God's presence refuse to believe in His maternal presence, through His apparitions, because their hearts are as hard as stone, because of the life of sin that they do not want to renounce and abandon. Many prefer to sin rather than save themselves. But one day they will cry bitterly if they don't repent and change their lives. Eternal truths are being denied and trampled underfoot, and even those who should be a light to the faithful, to the flock of Christ are allowing themselves to be corrupted by the spirit of the world and its sinful ideas. Only those who love and defend the truth will stand. God is the truth and he never changes: yesterday, today and forever. Our disobedience and rebellion against eternal truths will cost us a high price to pay. God is giving us a time for conversion, to decide to follow the path that the Virgin is pointing out to us: the path of prayer, renunciation, and
of penance. The time is now, not tomorrow. The time for us to change is this, today, because tomorrow may be late.