Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, come from heaven to tell you that with prayer the world can be converted and have peace.
Pray the rosary more and more. Let it become the daily prayer of your lives and let it be prayed with love and faith.
Prayer transforms your lives and frees your families from so many evils. Through prayer God's grace works in their lives and purifies them from their imperfections.
Many of my children have distanced themselves from God and their hearts are filled with hatred, because of the lack of God's peace in their lives. Help your brothers to open their hearts to God.
The Father in heaven seeks souls who know how to sacrifice and offer themselves for the salvation of the world. By accepting with love and patience the trials of each day you can offer reparation to the Lord to obtain his mercy and forgiveness for poor sinners.
Come, my children, come! For a long time I have been coming from heaven asking and praying for peace. This is the time for you to unite and pray more and more for the whole world, for days will come that many will wish for and it will be late.
The world is still having a time of mercy, but soon, you will see many sad things happen that will change your lives forever.
Be faithful to the calls that heaven gives you. Decide for God and this time is now, not for tomorrow.
God is calling you to conversion now, today, and today you must welcome this call with love and convert.
I love you and I pray day and night for your salvation. Do not leave the calls of your Heavenly Mother aside, but welcome them into your hearts and God will give you peace.
Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Today, Our Lady was enveloped in an indescribably beautiful light and she herself was light that radiated into our lives. Every gesture and movement of the Virgin made a wonderful light shine from her. I understood that when we offer her our prayers of the full rosary, we honor her immensely that there are no words in the world that can explain how much we extol her glories more and more, making her shine with joy and love for us her sons and daughters, allowing the graces she wishes to bestow upon us to reach our lives.
Our Lady summons us to the battle between good and evil. We must decide for God now, today, and not tomorrow. Leaving for later should not exist in our lives, but today; the later should only be the fruit of our conversion today, at this very moment and of our prayers, the later will only be better if we do well today united with God, repentant of our sins, with a contrite heart and following our path of conversion.